Michael Amodeo, on the ladder, auctioning the contents of [Agency.com’s] cafeteria. (Justin Lane for The New York Times)

Leslie Eaton (New York Times) wrties, ” That is the fate of the former cafeteria in the skyscraper, one reason the equipment had to be auctioned to get it out of the way of potential tenants.

But also on display at that auction were the optimism and determination that New Yorkers like to think characterize them as much as their gift for complaining does. Despite the poor economy, several bidders were planning to open new bars or restaurants in the city.

One was Aricka Westbrooks, 32, of Brooklyn. Until about a year and a half ago, Ms. Westbrooks had one of those “only in New York” careers that combined fashion, public relations and the Internet. But after she was laid off twice she decided to go into business for herself, she said.

So, if all goes well, she will soon open a takeout restaurant in Brooklyn called Jive Turkey (after the house specialty, which will be deep-fried).

It is not at all what she expected when she moved to New York City seven years ago, she said, but she has no intention of moving back to Chicago.

“Never that,” she said firmly. “Never, ever, that.”