Wed 9 Jun 2004
Xeni Jardin writes on BoingBoing:
I just got home from having coffee with a friend at my favorite cafe in West Hollywood. There’s a zany new age bookstore down the street. Sometimes I pop in for the sole purpose of sneering at book titles like Tantric Sex for Dummies and Is Your Pet Psychic?
But tonight was no ordinary night of snorting and hiding my face in the Feng Shui soy candle display. Tucked away on the shelf below that black velvet UFO portrait of The High ECK Master, I found Dancing With Catscle Books, 1999). Been around for years, but I’d never seen it before. Filled with pictures of humans fannying about in tights, striking “I-Wish-I-Were-Baryshnikov” poses — together with cats who doing the same thing. The text is rich. “Multicat” interspecies dance ensembles as a tool for enlightenment; think Busby Berkeley with hairballs and chakras.
Dig the pre-dance exercises:
Before we can begin dancing with our cats, we must first make contact with them. We can’t simply put on music and expect that our cats will dance with us. We have to first align our dynamic vibration systems with theirs and bring those systems into a kind of confluence before we can build the energy levels through the dance that are necessary to attain the higher vibrationary states which enable us to channel the infinite power of the universe.
You see, human beings and cats are not simply physical bodies confined within a barrier of skin or fur. We are also made up of dynamic energy systems which extend out, and interact with, every other energy system around us.
There’s a simple exercise you can try right now as you sit in front of your computer. It’s one of a number of what we call mirroring exercises that will allow you to bring your body into an energy-centered relationship with your cat and prepare you to dance with it… a simple purring technique. Remember that purring is the way a cat modulates its energy reserves in order to restore its psychic equilibrium.
So, roll yourself a catnip fattie and smoke this: Link