Thu 22 Jan 2004
The $99.95 Digium Wildcard X100P single port FXO card is nothing more than an Intel chipset Voice/Data/Fax PCI modem, available from Copmuter Geeks for $8.99
joakimsen said, “They change the PCI vendor ID via a resistor, simply modify one byte of the source code and it will detect it as the X100P.” Realty Dan adds, “Looking at your modified source code, the change from 0×8085 to 0×8086 [in zaptel/wcfxo.c] appears to be the one byte you referred to earlier. The resistor change was apparently used to produce the revised “pseudo-vendor” code in the much more expensive Digium card. This was an obvious move to make sure the cheaper card would not be recognized and, therefore, unusable. Hardly a way for a company to gain support and customer loyalty.”