net127: a scrapbook of words and images

August 08, 2003

Po-Po-Mo Email

I found this today and I really can't explain it:

Date: Fri, January 11, 2002 4:12 pm
To: postmaster
From: "Fred Cooper" postm
Subject: blustering

scream mechanic savoy
igneous pope scorings
pleading imbrue thank
cradles tanager plunge
countrywide crashers breakables
portrayal poaches coverage
terraces screened praise
tarpaulin scherzo played
estuary blurb hounded
examples points plume
adenine plentiful boll
scam mettlesome ansi
power practitioners practiced
boy euphemist arequipa
exempt coupons coupe
humoring meteors hurrying
horrible mechanic craven
aden scrounge accuracy
asilomar hurling criticisms
hydride acceptor mending
polymer tatting adjective
boatman poodle tends
exculpatory humanitarian tattletale
blunted bodyguard pragmatic
altair midscale pouts screen allstate cropped
counterbalance booty council excavated hungriest

remove mail
bovine evaluators merit
scrub tail actinolite
mention tanager teasing
illegitimacy actuators playable
augusta ignoring teleprinter
savors scholarships teenager
menace searcher scoping
save satiable craving
taper argus excites
adjusters humid expressway
arrhenius icy target
scantily crackers mess
telescoping portend bowled
ethically pleura bolt
bernardo accommodation adherent
technic cripple tete
taproots tendency ethnology
belgrade coupler tears
brainstorm poultice methodological
billings idealizations metabolic
action courted humidifier
cremations hydrochloride counsels
actress atwood players
boycotts hostage sat
craftsman medico exigent boise thatches councilman
expansible meadow mechanized poor meteors

Posted by glenn at August 8, 2003 08:29 AM | TrackBack
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