net127: a scrapbook of words and images

May 09, 2003

OKC: The Private Storm Shelter Location Database


The Private Storm Shelter Location database is an initiative of the Office of Emergency Management for the purpose of location trapped victims in the event of a disaster.

What type of shelters are tracked in this program

All types of privately owned shelters located within the Oklahoma City Limits. This includes any above or below ground shelter located at a private address. Publicly owned shelters intended for the general public are not tracked as part of this program.

How will this information be used by the City

In the event of a natural disaster, it is important that emergency personnel know the location of your storm shelter. With this information, emergency personnel can respond to specific locations which have storm shelters to free citizens who may be trapped.

How do I participate in this program

Request to have your shelter information included in the City's records. You can do this by calling the City at . You can also submit your shelter information online at the shelter verification page here.

Why does the City require a contact name

Contact name provides an important means to verify that all occupants of a shelter are safe. Emergency personnel find this valuable when all physical references to location, address, and owner have been removed. Such was the case during the May 3rd, 1999 tornado.

In addition to ensuring that I am on this list what other steps can I take to help rescuer find my shelter

The May 3rd, 1999 tornado taught us that it is possible for damage to be so extreme that identifying street names and house addresses can be very difficult. The City's public safety recommends that citizens have their house address number painted on the curb at their house. You can contact the City at for information on what groups provide this type of service.

Posted by glenn at May 9, 2003 02:31 PM | TrackBack
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